Friday, February 27, 2009

Heinen Girls

The beautiful Heinen girls made the trip to
Belle Plaine for a photo shoot.

This is Baby Sister Alexandra.

Look at that face!

Big Sister Julianna

She was much more interested in the photos
when we let her dress up in my new
tutu props!

The leg up cracks me up!

What a sweet face

We even got one of them together...
candy always helps!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Matt & Helen's Memory Book

Matt & Helen's wedding memory book is in
the final stages of proofing. At the top corner
is a picture of their wedding invitation.

The stained glass was such a pretty
backdrop for pictures!

The old school had sentimental value,
so we had to take some pictures
by it....and its fire escape.

This is just a few sample pages from the
memory book. To see all of the pages,
click on the title link above.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jacoby's 3-month

Jacoby came back for his 3-month pictures
this afternoon.

He loved looking at the camera...which is good
because I love those eyes!


What a cutie!!

Hats are the best!

We got some family pictures while
everyone was here

Friday, February 20, 2009

Roberts Family

I love these bright colors!!

I think these girls liked having their
pictures taken!

Her curls are adorable!

We did get them all together for a couple shots

And, finally a family picture with mom and dad

Click on "Roberts Family" to see all of the proofs...
but only if you have the password

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ava's 9-month

Ava was back again for her 9-month photos...
this year is going fast!

She was happiest when playing with the blocks.

Such pretty eyes!

Getting a little bit sleepy

Click on the "Ava's 9-month" link at the top
to see all of Ava's pictures.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hunter's 1st Birthday

Hunter had been sick recently, so we weren't so
sure how the photo shoot would go. We were trying to get sample
pictures for my "Baby's First Year" package. This will be an
option for the 12-month photos....just bring your own cake!

When Dad pulled his binky out, we got some good smiles!

He was a much happier boy when he got to play
in the cake...mmm...sugar!

Not so sure about having frosting on his feet...

Happy Birthday Hunter!

Darric & Rachel

I'm finishing up the St.Paul's Lutheran Church Directory this month.
My cousin Rachel and her husband came over for their directory
photos, and this is what we got.

This was our favorite on the "church directory" background,
so this will be the one going in the book.


Nico, my cat, had another photo was mainly to get more
sample shots on my bright spring backgrounds.
I thought this looked like a poster I had when I was 7.

There must have been a fly or bug...she's staring intently at something.

I just thought this one was funny!